You can make a difference by contributing to CRC OC
The Caregiver Resource Center OC (CRC OC) enhances the quality of life for family caregivers by helping families and the community master the challenges of caregiving. Your gift will help us to maintain our operations so that all grant funds can provide caregivers with a much-needed break, counseling, consultation, and other services and will enhance the services we offer.
The Caregiver Resource Center OC is a non-profit program of Providence, St. Jude Medical Center, a non-profit hospital. Any support received from donations or contributions are managed by the Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation. You should consult your tax professional for any potential tax deduction implications of your support.
To support our program, you can do so by directing a donation or contribution in a form of a check made out to “St. Jude Foundation, CRCOC” and sending it to our offices at, 130 W. Bastanchury Road, Fullerton CA, 92835.
You can also visit the Providence St. Jude Medical Center Foundation site at https://stjudememorialfoundation.org/. There you will find a link at the top of the page where you can provide your support online. There is a “Leave a comment” area where it is necessary to leave a note directing the support to the Caregiver Resource Center OC or CRCOC, to ensure it goes directly to our program. In this area you can also add additional comments to acknowledging the services provided by CRC OC, to pay tribute to a special person, or in memory of a loved one.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call CRCOC at (800) 543-8312 or (714) 446-5030.
A cash gift may be made by check or credit card and is the simplest and most common form of charitable contribution. This type of gift provides a tax deduction on your itemized tax return for the full amount given.
The Memorial Foundation accepts contributions of appreciated securities or real estate. Such gifts offer tax advantages to the donor and can be designated for CRC OC for family caregiving concerns.
Planned giving presents options for the donor to support CRC OC through the St. Jude Memorial Foundation while meeting personal long-term financial and estate goals. Depending on the type of deferred gift, from the simple bequest to the charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, benefits may include increased income, immediate income tax deduction, as well as capital gain, estate and gift tax avoidance.